"The Winston-Salem Police Department Bomb Squad is hosting its fourth annual beeping Easter egg hunt for the blind and visually impaired. This year’s “Spring Eggsplosion” hunts will be held March 29 in Winston-Salem and April 12 at the Gov. Morehead School for the Blind in Raleigh.
The beeping Easter egg hunts allow the visually impaired to participate in a traditional Easter egg hunt, says Cpl. Angie Swaim, a member of the bomb squad.
“The beeping egg hunts have been such a success that we wanted to make sure that as many visually impaired and blind adults and children have the opportunity to experience a traditional Easter egg hunt as possible,” Swaim said. “We invite any member of the public, adult or child, who is blind or visually impaired and their families to join us at either of these events.”
The egg hunt in Winston-Salem will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at Reynolda Village, 2201 Reynolda Road. Participants will hunt for beeping Easter eggs and interact with the bomb squad robots, the Easter Bunny, McGruff the Crime Dog and “Tater Tot,” a miniature pony. There will also be games, a race and “Frankie the Balloon Artist.” Amy McDonaugh, a blind marathon runner will again be present, as well as the Industries for the Blind choir.
The egg hunt in Raleigh will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Gov. Morehead School, 301 Ashe Ave., Raleigh. Participants will hunt for eggs, enjoy the bomb robots and other activities the school is planning, including “Frankie the Balloon Artist.”
The bomb squad has made more than 100 beeping eggs for the hunts. “Several eggs have been sent out all over the country so others can participate in this program, Swaim said. “And we will again provide an egg to each of the school’s 36 itinerant pre-school teachers who cover the state’s 100 counties, for use as a teaching aid.”
The members of the bomb squad initiated the beeping egg hunts in 2011 after getting the idea at a conference for bomb technicians. “We believe that this is a positive way to interact with members of the community, not only in Winston-Salem, but all over North Carolina,” Swaim said. “Last year we visited Camp Dogwood, a summer camp for visually impaired youth and adults in Sherrills Ford. We were able to watch adults as ‘young’ as 94 years old enjoy their very first egg hunt and become a child again for a few hours. These moments are the reason we do what we do.”"
Submitted by WSPD Cpl. Angie Swaim
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