AFL-CIO Endorses Alma Adams for Congress Says working families have a reliable friend in Alma Adams.


Today Alma Adams, a candidate for Congress, has been endorsed by the AFL-CIO. The AFL-CIO has over 125,000 members throughout North Carolina.

“I am thrilled to have received the endorsement of the AFL-CIO and their labor unions. Their support is a huge boost to our campaign, and I look forward to working with them so we can ensure working men and women have a strong voice for them in Congress,” stated Alma Adams.

State AFL-CIO President James Andrews stated, “Throughout her many years in the State House, working families have had a reliable friend in Alma Adams. Now the people of the 12th Congressional District have an opportunity to send Alma Adams to Congress, where true friends of workers are needed now more than ever. That's why we are so pleased she has earned our endorsement.”

Alma Adams concluded, “The AFL-CIO and their members know I am committed to creating high paying jobs, raising the minimum wage to a living wage, improving workplace safety, providing paid family and sick leave, and promoting fair trade agreements so we can end the outsourcing of American jobs. I look forward to working on these issues in Congress.”

The AFL-CIO is just the latest of several endorsements for Alma Adams. Adams has already been endorsed by the American Postal Workers Union, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, North Carolina Association of Educators, EMILY’s List, Feminist Majority PAC, National Women’s Political Caucus, Planned Parenthood, National Organization for Women, Former Congresswoman Eva Clayton, and Auditor Beth Wood.


Rep. Alma Adams is in her 11th term of the North Carolina General Assembly. Alma is seeking the 12th Congressional seat currently left vacant by Congressman Mel Watt’s resignation and swearing in as the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
For Alma Adams, education and women's rights aren't political issues, they are personal issues that have shaped who she is today and how she represents the people she serves.

Growing up in a single parent household, Alma saw that the best way to get ahead was through dedication and hard work. Her mother's sacrifices motivated Alma to not only complete her own education, but to pursue a path that led her to teaching in the classroom too. Alma is a strong, divorced mother who raised two wonderful children--including a daughter who followed Alma's lead and became a teacher herself. Alma is also blessed with 4 grandchildren.

Alma's introduction to politics was on the Greensboro City School Board, where she became the first African-American woman elected to that body and a strong advocate for educational opportunities for everyone in her community. After serving on the Greensboro City School Board, Alma was elected to the Greensboro City Council where she led efforts for affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization programs.  Alma served on the Greensboro City Council until she was appointed to the General Assembly in 1994 by Governor James B. Hunt.

Alma's service in the North Carolina House of Representatives has been distinguished by her efforts to improve the lives of women, children and families. She has sponsored and supported legislation to strengthen domestic violence laws; worked to improve adolescent pregnancy programs; and supported legislation for quality, affordable health care for seniors and children.
As a former chair of the North Carolina Women’s Legislative Caucus, Alma has helped to introduce numerous bills to strengthen laws to protect children, women and families and has been a key and vocal supporter of women’s health and reproductive rights.

As an educator and artist, Adams has been a strong supporter of North Carolina’s colleges, universities and schools and she has been a strong advocate for the arts and culture.

Alma Adams has always believed that a quality education is the path to the middle class.  She has fought tirelessly to improve our public schools and protect women’s rights from the extremists in the legislature.  Alma also led the effort to increase the minimum wage in North Carolina, earning her statewide recognition as a champion for the middle class.
Alma will be a Congresswoman who fights to make Congress focus on the issues that matter most to women and families throughout our district.

Alma Adams received her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Art Education from North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro and took her Ph.D. in Art Education and Multicultural Education from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

Alma is an active member of New Zion Baptist Church in Greensboro and has been a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority since 1978.
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