Yesterday, the City of Greensboro put all public records regarding its agreement with the International Civil Rights Center and Museum in one place. Anyone can access these records by going to
The records include audits of the ICRCM for 2010-12, the City’s audit reviews, the ICRCM sustainability plan for 2014-16, the agreement between the City and the ICRCM, city staff emails regarding the agreement and other documents.
“This council has approached this much differently than I think other councils would have in the past,” said Mayor Nancy Vaughn at last night’s City Council meeting. “We have opted toward transparency and looking at this issue head-on. We didn’t do it in small group meetings, we gave out the public documents and we’re not hiding from this.”
In response to the situation, City Council unanimously adopted a new rule last night that the City cannot write a check without a signed contract should a contract be required. An amendment provided an exception for emergencies.
“I think this is the first time I’ve voted on this council to legislate common sense,” said Councilman Tony Wilkins.
- Reported by David Pferdekamper
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