One City, One Prompt (OCOP) is a dynamic series of writing, performance, activist and community-building events held across the globe for people to gather to write, tell stories, perform or discuss a common theme. OCOP cultivates greater civility, deeper dialogue, higher hope and a larger sense of personal and community purpose.
The Greensboro and Winston-Salem events will be hosted by The Word Project, founded by poet Jacinta V. White, along with other writers and writers groups, such as NC Writers Network, Press 53, and Women Writers of the Triad. The OCOP events in this area will be held March 1 – April 30, 2014. Many of them are free and open to the public.
This Year’s OCOP theme “Begin Again” is explored through many angles, such as how do I begin again–personally, professionally, and relationally? How can my community begin again? How does beginning again relate to humanity’s pressing needs and to the needs of our earth? How shall we “begin again” to connect across faith, race, ethnicity, class?
“I’m excited to collaborate with others to get as many people in our community writing at the same time on a common theme. Writing provides an avenue for creativity, inspiration and profound change. My hope in doing this is that those who participate will walk away from the experience having met new people and found a deeper relationship with their own voice. Writing truly is transformative and I hope people feel that through OCOP,” says Jacinta V. White, a poet who has volunteered to be the Triad’s OCOP coordinator this year.
In addition to attending writing workshops and discussion groups, participants may submit their writings online at Visit for a calendar of OCOP events and registration information.
One City, One Prompt is a project of the Transformative Language Arts Network, which supports all forms of the spoken, written and sung word for personal and communal transformation, offering transformative online classes, a bi-annual conference, The Power of Words: A Transformative Language Arts Reader, web-based resources, and networking. Learn more at
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